Did you know all the information on the vast world wide web amounts to an estimated grand 91,167 terabytes of data? Not all of this data is accessible normally by you and I. In fact, only a mere 167 of those terabytes are open for us to see, even to the great powerhouse search engines such as Google, and Yahoo. This means that these search engines only index about 167 terabytes of data on the web. I'm sorry to ruin your day, but Google is not so divine after all. Normal search engines index web pages by following hyperlinks after hyperlinks, and literally saving the information on each web page on their database for future access. The reason most of the data on the web does not get indexed is because some pages are not accessible on private networks, and often times these pages require a password. This area of the Internet that can not be accessed usually is referred to as the Deep Web, Invisible Web, or even the Undernet.
I always mention this, but of course with the advancing technology available today, search engine technology has progressed copious amounts. Now we can search any key phrase on our favorite search engines and there is a strong possibility that whatever we were looking for is going to show up. I know what you are thinking. You want to be able to access all the nooks and crannies of data that are somewhere hidden in the depths of the web. If you want more than 5 percent of what the Internet has to offer, I can help.
With a few powerful resources, and search engines you will be able to surf the web like a real pro. No more limiting yourself behind the barriers of knowledge. These resources are invisible web search engines with specifically indexed information.
My personal favorite resource is The WWW Virtual Library, considered the oldest catalog available, created by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the web. This makes the page a very reliable source, if not the most reliable. I also like it because not only can you search by word, but you can also browse through the various categories to find any information you want.
Infomine is a collection of libraries found throughout the United States, mostly composed of Universities such as California, Wake Forest, and Detroit.
CompletePlanet is another great one, and I especially like it because it calls itself the deep web directory. Try it out for yourself.
Searching the invisible web can be strenuous, but it can also be satisfying, and helpful especially when you do not have time to go to library, or if you are looking for a certain source for your dissertation for your medical degree for instance. If you are looking for getting an edge on your classmates, or maybe you just want to gain knowledge to become wiser, deep web searching is for you.
Please tell me your opinions. Did you guys already know about the Deep Web? What is your favorite search engine?
I always mention this, but of course with the advancing technology available today, search engine technology has progressed copious amounts. Now we can search any key phrase on our favorite search engines and there is a strong possibility that whatever we were looking for is going to show up. I know what you are thinking. You want to be able to access all the nooks and crannies of data that are somewhere hidden in the depths of the web. If you want more than 5 percent of what the Internet has to offer, I can help.
With a few powerful resources, and search engines you will be able to surf the web like a real pro. No more limiting yourself behind the barriers of knowledge. These resources are invisible web search engines with specifically indexed information.
My personal favorite resource is The WWW Virtual Library, considered the oldest catalog available, created by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the web. This makes the page a very reliable source, if not the most reliable. I also like it because not only can you search by word, but you can also browse through the various categories to find any information you want.
Infomine is a collection of libraries found throughout the United States, mostly composed of Universities such as California, Wake Forest, and Detroit.
CompletePlanet is another great one, and I especially like it because it calls itself the deep web directory. Try it out for yourself.
Searching the invisible web can be strenuous, but it can also be satisfying, and helpful especially when you do not have time to go to library, or if you are looking for a certain source for your dissertation for your medical degree for instance. If you are looking for getting an edge on your classmates, or maybe you just want to gain knowledge to become wiser, deep web searching is for you.
Please tell me your opinions. Did you guys already know about the Deep Web? What is your favorite search engine?
I had no clue about the undernet. I was under the impression that the web had turned into one big gigantic infomercial with little substance. Thanks for the links!